







Visit our 'News' Page to sign up for e-mail news alerts.





Friday, April 18th in observation of Good Friday - Easter Sunday

Monday, May 26th in observation of Memorial Day 






Trustee, Deputy Mayor - Peter Potasiewicz
Trustee - Timothy Ryan
Trustee - Travis Dam
Regular Village Board Meetings begin at 6:00pm on the second Monday of each month. Zoning Board Meetings begin at 6:00pm on the first Monday of each month. Please see "meetings" to see alternate dates for meetings that fall on holiday days.


The historical re-enactment on the bicentennial of General Lafayette's Fairwell Tour through the Village Park, June 10th.  Time and further details will be posted soon.  

Summer Solstice Car Show on the Village Green - June 18th, 5:00pm. Registration information for participants will be available soon. 


Whitesboro Farmer's Market - Every Monday beginning June 2nd through September 29th. May be extended into October, weather permitting.


Summer Concert Series on the Village Green - Every Wednesday beginning July 2nd through August 27th. Lineup is still being scheduled and will be posted on the calendar when available.



Whitesboro Garbage and Recycle Collection Information

If you garbage pickup falls on a holiday please be aware that your regularly scheduled pickup day may change. Please contact the Village Office if you are not sure. 315-736-1613. 

Please note:

In conjunction with requirements of the NYSDEC Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4's).

Please click here to learn about the importance of Stormwater Maintenance/Management

Village of Whitesboro

10 Moseley Street • Whitesboro, New York 13492

phone: (315) 736-1613  • email: whtboro@whitesboro.us



Website Disclaimer: The Village of Whitesboro is providing information via this website as a public service in cooperation with the Digital Towpath Cooperative. The Village of Whitesboro makes no claims, representations, guarantees or warranties as to quality, content, accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability of the information, text, graphics, photos, links and other items provided via this website. The Village of Whitesboro has a policy in place that provides links to websites and does not assume any responsibility for content found on these websites. These websites operate under the auspices and at the direction of their respective owners.

© 2025 Village Of Whitesboro, Oneida County
Website Contact: Rebecca Clinch
10 Moseley Street
Whitesboro, NY 13492
Phone: (315) 736-1613
Fax: (315)736-1677
Printed On March 28, 2025